
Use WASD for movement. Space to Jump. Shift to dash. 

Left click to throw spear, left click again to return to hand.

ESC to toggle full screen and pause menu. 


"For millennia, a terrifying dragon has threatened the safety of the village. Today, the fallen hero's weapon has come to you, meaning it is your turn to fight back against the dragon, pierce its heart... and SAVE THE VILLA"-- oh. you're dead. well then. 

Lizard's Legacy is a story of persistence; you play as generation after generation of hero, each making just a little more progress against an immense and deadly foe. Each new generation wields the same weapon: a magic spear which tips the scales of time. Using this spear, each hero will attempt to both weaken the dragon, as well as collect dragon scales in order to gain needed upgrades to navigate the dragon's attacks, and eventually bring it down for good. 

Note for MacOS/iOS users:

Godot 4's web builds are sometimes dysfunctional on Apple devices, for some reason. If the web build freezes for any reason, please download the mac build and play that way, rather than running in browser. (Sincerely, Sam, a very sad Mac user)


Malaphor Games is:

- Jerry Zhou: Lead Programmer, Project Manager

- Jaina Shah: Lead Programmer, Additional Pixel Art

- Giles "GitHub Guru" Gordon:  Lead Programmer, Lead Animation Integration

Holden Woodward: Programmer, Music Integration, Additional Pixel Art

- Grace Stone: Art Direction, Lead Pixel Art, Lead Animation Design

- Sam "Quotient" Thiel: Music Direction, Music Composition, SFX, Project Manager, Additional Programming


LizardLegacy.exe 80 MB
LizardLegacy.dmg 64 MB
LizardLegacy.x86_64 62 MB


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As the third person (according to its creator) to ever complete this legendary masterpiece i can confirm it is a legendary masterpiece. 13/10 i will never play elden ring again

(1 edit) (+1)

Easily the best game I’ve played in years. The new souls game.


wow the dragon is so cool


i love lizard legaacy